Lucy Lawless was born in New Zealand and is best known for Universal Pictures’ Bat Samurai Princess Xena. Since then, she has walked the Great Wall of China to the Discovery Channel, was killed by Battlestar Galactica, flew back over The Simpsons, and dated Larry David to curb your enthusiasm. She starred in Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler and Russell Brand, and the main purpose of life makes Sandler’s role miserable. She did it firmly and enthusiastically.

Since singing with Smokey Robinson, Kenny Loggins and Dionne Warwick on a celebrity duet, Lucy has been singing at rock shows in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and London. Famous for her hit show Xena: Warrior Princess, Lucy Lawless, has a net worth of $18 million. The actress sure has enough cash to acquire all the beauty treatments to cover up those lines. She may have lost her warrior princess body but she still definitely looks stunning.
