Angelina Jolie – $24.5 Million, Los Feliz

Angelina Jolie owns one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood, and that helped her land multiple contracts throughout the years. Considering the income she amassed, she can buy out an entire nation with her net worth. Instead, she opts to stay in a mansion she given to her by American filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille as a present for all the hard work she did.

The luxury estate is located at the heart of Laughlin Park Drive, which is filled with homeowners who have the biggest names in the entertainment scene. It houses six bedrooms, a spacious modern kitchen with a large dining area, and a pool that is perfect for social events and gatherings. The house has 7,935 square feet of internal space. The living area includes a formal dining room, theater and indoor and outdoor lounges. The magnificent living room is located under a net of wooden beams.
