1958 Ferrari 250 GT Pininfarina at $3.6 Million – Nicholas Cage

Nicholas Cage is one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors. With the list of acting credits he has under his name, it’s no surprise that his wealth can secure him and his family for a very long time. He is also one of the most decorated celebrities of his time, having many blockbuster movies that have added to his fortune.

It is no doubt that he can afford a 1958 Ferrari 250 GT Pininfarina. With a price tag of $3.6 million, a car like this is fitting for someone as prominent as Nicholas Cage. He must have a great financial advisor as his wealth has been stable and well-managed since the jump in his earnings in the 1990s. It is yet to be known if Nicholas Cage plans on retiring anytime soon, but we’re sure that if he decides to accept a movie contract again and it becomes a hit, a new vehicle or two will be added to his collection.
