Aretha Franklin – 85 pounds

Aretha Franklin joined the music scene in the 1960s and was considered influential in the music industry. She always lacked sleep during her years of touring, which eventually took a toll on her health. In 2010, Franklin had to get several surgeries, so she started dieting and exercising with online classes to get back in shape. It worked, but she was getting old, and her health was deteriorating. Doctors had a hunch on Aretha Franklin’s weight loss, which eventually became a fact.

She did get a series of weight-loss surgeries, but to her credit, she changed her habits after. She then had a renewed commitment to eating healthy and constant exercise. She needed to sustain her lifestyle as she was already pushing 76 years old. In the year 2018, she died from pancreatic cancer. Almost all of Aretha’s hit albums and singles are available on most streaming platforms today. Franklin died, but her music and memories will forever be in the hearts of her fans.
