Sharon Osbourne – 100 pounds

Sharon Osbourne always had a hard time resisting a cupcake. Due to her unhealthy lifestyle, she had to undergo gastric bypass surgery in 1999. Sharon Osbourne then lost 100 pounds but gained several illnesses, which prevented her from eating and working out. But Sharon Osbourne was determined to lose weight and become healthy again. She enrolled in a gym and practiced eating in moderation. If she has no time for the gym, she can check for online classes to keep her active.

We hope this new lifestyle will help prolong her life. Sharon’s well into the retirement age as she’s currently in her late 60s. With this fact, her health should be more of an urgency than before. She can’t afford to develop bad habits that can potentially affect her health negatively. Sharon deserves credit for being persistent. She’s still accepting performances as of this day but only to a certain extent. We believe that she’s trying to focus and pay attention to her health with her time off-screen.
