Tyra Banks – 30 Pounds

Just like Riley, Tyra Banks also has a positive attitude toward her body. She doesn’t even care about what other people would think of her weight. She lost weight, which is about 30 pounds, as seen on her body, though. In an interview with Shape Magazine, the 45-year-old star revealed she was not working out for many months despite gaining weight. While things may worsen in connection to her health, the supermodel decided to hire a personal trainer and nutritionist to help her weight loss journey.

These people suggested all the food she could eat and the forbidden ones. Like having insurance, having a group of functional nutritionists is a big help for celebrities like Banks. Tyra’s making sure that she eats moderately, and her diet fits her fitness goals. But, she said that there’s one junk food that she always indulges herself in. It’s ice cream, and Tyra says that she may indulge in it now and then but never beyond the proper limit.
