Timothy Spall – Undisclosed

Timothy Spall looks unrecognizable with his slimmer physique. The Harry Potter star used to be chubby and has a big tummy, but now he has a toned body. The 63-year-old star revealed he overhauled his lifestyle. He even said if he were going to write a diet book, it would only have two pages. The first one would say that food and “booze” were love and exercise was horrible. But when you turned the page, it would say if you overeat and drink too much, you would gain too much weight.

Weight loss and weight gain are just like money management, and you will reap what you sow if you’re good at it. Timothy Spall has been in a long list of films and TV series since the late 70s. In turn, it’s pretty normal to see this tenured star get nominated for “Best Actor” a couple of times. It’s great to see Timothy pay attention to his health now that he’s entering his retirement and senior years.
