Sam Smith – 50 Pounds

Sam Smith lost a lot of weight since he started his career. His weight-loss journey began when he opened up about his problem with overcoming emotional eating. He gave all the credit to UK-based nutritional therapist Amelia Freer for his body transformation. She even helped him lose almost 50 pounds at the time. The hitmaker followed her book, Eat. Nourish. Glow. , which was his guide to shed off the pounds.

He reportedly began making meals from scratch and cut gluten, dairy, and refined sugar from his diet. You can now call Smith a gym lover with a long list of things that he does. Smith admits that it is hard to maintain his weight because he loves to eat food, but he has no choice but to keep his body’s good shape. He put investments into doing his healthy lifestyle. Now, he exercises three times a week with his trainer.
