Claire Richards – 80 pounds and more

Claire Richards is a British pop singer, singer and dancer. Claire Richards rose to fame because she became a member of Steps. She is the youngest member of Steps. She lives with her husband Reece, 11-year-old Charlie and 8-year-old Daisy in a spacious and quirky home in Surrey today. She gained severe health problems after starving herself because she was pressured to have a perfect thin body.

Whenever she was straying herself, she would overeat and then throw up. There were instances where she lost a total of 50 to 80 pounds, and then immediately gain it all back. In 2013, she decided to become healthy, and it paid off. She is now taking care of her body for herself and her kids. Claire Richards’ net worth is $500 thousand. She can definitely use some investment money to increase her net worth more.
