One of the most common topics when it comes to Hollywood celebrities is bodyweight. Nevertheless, weight is not the headline all the time—sometimes, it’s the opposite. For Robert De Niro, his weight gain in the movie Raging Bull in 1980 was the topic since he generally had a healthy physique over the years. To play Jake LaMotta’s role, De Niro had to add 60 pounds to his weight—a feat which critics called “transformative.”

De Niro consumed more calories and went to the best restaurants, eating more than usual. It was said that the film production was put on hold so De Niro can go on binge eating around Italy at the time. After a couple of months, he returned to America weighing 60 pounds more to continue the production. Although the exact meals De Niro ate during the time remains unknown, it’s presumed to have included big cuts of steak packed with calories. Undoubtedly, the producer’s credit cards came in handy.
