Back in 2019, people from around the globe were astonished at the news regarding the weight loss of Celine Dion, who famously sang My Heart Will Go On. Many speculated that she either had an eating disorder or was not taking care of her body. Fans of Celine expressed their concern for the songstress through social media, stating that she’s become too thin and weak. In late January, the following year, Celine broke her silence and revealed what caused her sudden weight loss.

Ever since, she has always had an affinity for ballet and was revitalized thanks to her close friend and backup dancer, Pepe Munoz. Celine admitted that she got a little thinner than before and attributed it to her newfound passion, which was dancing—she said that she did it four times a week. Losing weight came with it as she likes to work hard. Presently, Celine is healthy and has gained more weight.
