Celebrities usually have leaner bodies when they were younger, and it’s inevitable to gain weight as years pass. Kevin Federline went through those phases in his life, and his weight fluctuated through the years. In 2012, Federline was part of Australia’s weight-loss show, Excess Baggage. After a couple of months doing the show, he’s was seen in a photo that was spread online with a much leaner body. It was a huge improvement compared to when he started the show.

Federline was able to shed pounds by working out and adopting a healthy diet. Though his weight gain was sporadic in the past, he’s done a great job maintaining his leaner and fitter physique in recent years. It’s not clear, however, what his diet and workout regimen are these days. It’s probably similar to others — regular exercise, working out in a gym, lifting weights, and eating healthy food—online classes for physical activity will be a good addition.
