Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu appears to have it all when it comes to aging gracefully; she always looks radiant with her glowing skin and youthful appearance. Little wonder a lot of critics have asked severally if she uses any anti-aging products and also what kind of products could produce such impressive results. In response to these questions and probably to satisfy her fans, the actress has said the secret to her clear skin, and youthful look is water!

Simply, drink lots of water. She recommends that one way to achieve supple and fresh skin is to keep the skin hydrated by drinking a lot of water. She also suggests having a regular and effective night-time skincare regime; taking a cue from her E-online interview, coconut oil and Avenue crème should be a part of your skincare routine. It may sound like something off an online skincare class, but if it has worked so well for Lucy Liu, we are all in.
