Mark Zuckerberg, whose eventual founding of Facebook was immortalized in the film The Social Network (a film, we should add, he took a lot of issue with), is one person that needs no introduction. Indeed, if one hadn’t been living in a cave for the past decade or so, then one would be familiar with the tech billionaire. Of course, it was the creation of Facebook that precipitated Zuckerberg amassing a $105-billion net worth.

He developed the social networking website just from his college dorm room at Harvard University and eventually left college to focus on the site during his sophomore year. One thing people might be interested to know is that Zuckerberg, as the CEO of Facebook, only gives himself an annual salary of $1. Of course, he’s still a billionaire, so it’s not like he’ll be facing bankruptcy or have any credit card debt anytime soon with that paltry amount.
