Steven Spielberg, the man who could rightly fit in anyone’s list of Best Directors in History, has a career spanning five decades. Some of his films have become so popular that they are now, to one degree or another, fully enmeshed in the cultural zeitgeist. Everyone has heard about Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, and Indiana Jones, and this is a testament to just how influential the man is to the culture at large. He was even responsible for saving Universal back in the ‘90s when the studio was strapped for cash.

Throughout the movie industry, Spielberg has earned huge success from movies such as E.T. and Jaws. It was Jaws that marked the start of the Hollywood blockbuster movie genre. With a net worth of $7 billion, Spielberg is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest and most influential players in Hollywood and will continue to be so for years to come.
