Chuck Liddell – Estimated $2.6 Million, Hidden Hills

The Iceman, Chuck Lidell, is a powerful man in the ring, praised by many critics and fans for his mixed martial arts skills. His first UFC match earned him roughly $1,000, but he earns about $500,000 in each fight, win or lose, as the year goes by. The former UFC Heavyweight champ is enjoying a lavish retirement. All his work from his previous fights earned him enough money to have a luxurious life after retiring.

His 5,000-square-foot Hidden Hill mansion is his haven where he can spend quality time and relax with his family. You’ll find other celebrities’ homes in this neighborhood, too, such as fellow superstar Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian. We can expect that luxury is synonymous within their area to a huge degree. The estate has five bedrooms, five baths, and a spa that is perfect for relaxation. It also features a library and an office for his business transactions. It’s great that Liddell is living as a champion both inside and outside the ring.
