Novak Djokovic – $15 Million, Miami

Novak Djokovic is considered one of the best athletes who set foot on a tennis court. He won many tournaments and bagged in tons of cash prizes. Djokovic also received lots of endorsements throughout the years, and he’s been living in luxury ever since. A concrete proof of that is his posh home in Eighty Seven Park Complex located in Miami beach. It is packed with other luxury amenities such as a private garden, multiple bedroom units, a spacious dining area, and other things that most people can dream of.

Imagine the cost of his home insurance, considering how grandeur this property is. Thus, Novak proves to everybody that playing tennis could be the key to achieve success as long as you put your heart into it. It could also be the reason why he is now waking up without worrying about any financial troubles, thanks to his sacrifices and hard work.
