Ruben Studdard – 119 pounds

Ruben Studdard rose to fame after he won American Idol on its second season. But instead of looking fit for the camera, he chose to eat all day and remain inactive. After gaining a lot of weight, Ruben Studdard decided to join The Biggest Loser to motivate himself to change and lose weight. At the beginning of The Biggest Loser, his weight was 462 pounds; now, he is 343 pounds. Thanks to the show and some online classes, he ate healthily and lessened his sugar intake, which he had a hard time to do at the beginning.

The “Velvet Teddy Bear” is still actively performing as of today. The only difference he’s not as fluffy. We’re yet to witness if his weight loss will produce tradeoffs in terms of performance. Regardless, we’re happy to see him pay attention to his health. We’re confident that he can always use the money he’s made throughout the years as his investment to change to another occupation.
