Janelle Brown – Undeclared

You must have seen Janelle Brown was quite overweight in the reality series Sister Wives. Now, everything has changed as she has lost some weight. Thanks to her healthy diet and different physical activities, Brown managed to shed that extra weight. Her journey from being overweight to having that healthy look is now well-detailed on her blog, Strive with Janelle, which she regularly updates. She also has published some books, like Watch Me Disappear, which may be part of her excellent investments.

She is also a lead journalist that her essays even made it to leading publications. People can quickly tell that Janelle Brown has been losing weight. She has reportedly seen flaunting her weight floss progress in Sister Wives and on social media. The regimen that she’s currently into is undoubtedly paying off for her health and brand. We would love to see more of her fitness journey in the future.
