No one would ever believe that Connie Stevens is 82 years old. From actress and producer to singer and performer, Stevens seems to be outstripping not only the American dream but also the inescapability of aging. During her career, Stevens has performed on Broadway, starred in multiple TV shows, including 1972’s Call Her Mom, and funded projects in helping young people. You’d be surprised to know that at the age of 72, she directed her second film after co-writing and directing her first feature film a few months prior.

After being in the industry for more than 60 years, her credit scores have only plummeted in one direction: up. Her fire to keep moving is reflected in her never-aging beauty. To a certain degree, a person may wonder how she continually battles through life’s inevitabilities. Well, despite the clear lines on her face, that spirit within her 60 years ago is only beginning to flare up.
