The former Victoria Secret model and photographer, Helena Christensen does not look like 50! She looks like 40, well, who are we kidding? She looks 30! Her looks are quite dashing given her age. How does she do it? A daily skincare routine! She cleanses, tones and moisturizes her skin. Her regimen makes her skin hydrated and luminous. A top-secret to maintaining gorgeous envious skin is first is making investments towards proper skincare.

Our skin is not going to do it all by itself.—except if we are really lucky like some people, we will have one of those effortless extraordinary looks even with careless attitudes towards ourselves. Realistically, we must often handle our skin with care. Helena believes that she can wear all the makeup that the world can create, accessorize with diamonds worth millions of dollars, even style her hair differently ten times a day, but her ultimate accessory will always be her face and her skin.
