One of the first and hottest Bond girls is Ursula Andress. Being a Bond girl is both a privilege and a burden. It’s a privilege in life, an honor beyond compare, and a pleasure beyond measure. Not everyone can have that one thing in life that sort of sums up everything they have ever dreamed of and worked hard for. One of the most sought after role is being a Bond girl, it is a dream role for so many women. It is more than a role it is like a title that cannot be taken away forever. At the same time, it puts pressure on all of the bind girls’ shoulders.

People would later wonder where these women are now and how they look like, they have curiosities such as whether this actress still looks nice or completely lost her touch. A movie like James Bond is not easily forgotten no matter the years that went by, and, this goes for the cast in it as well. At the age of 84, she still manages to keep her looks intact. She ages beautifully and with a net worth of $25 million her finance and investments are still quite intact.
